I met up with an old friend at the photography store today for lunch and some "shop talk". The photography store was great. Seeing all those cameras... all those lenses... all those backdrops... I thought about all the photo shoot possibilities... so exciting! The camera I am now eyeing is the Canon 7D but with that price I will be eye-ing it for a while. I am now trying to figure out the best Canon DSLR camera I can start with that won't break the bank. That's going to be tough!

We also discussed courses available in Vancouver. It's amazing how much is out there. There is even a photography studio right by my house that offers great core courses that teaches you about the different functions on your SLR like shutter speed, aperture, and lighting, functions that I've tried using on my point-and-shoot through trial and error. So far, trial and error has worked for me but it would be great to actually know what I'm doing =)